Fee-Based Planning

What distinguishes Financial Consulting from Financial Planning?

Financial Consulting is meant for those who have an ever-evolving situation or prefer to tackle projects in smaller bite-size pieces over the course of a year.

Financial Planning is a more formal approach that entails four to five sessions to establish financial objectives, determine actionable steps, and lay out a comprehensive plan to accomplish them.

Financial consulting & planning aim to ultimately achieve the same goal: to help you receive clarity around your finances and a clear path forward on how to reach your financial goals.

Our Pricing

Financial Planning Pricing

At Vesta, we believe in transparency and openness regarding our fees. Below is a comprehensive list of frequently utilized services along with their corresponding prices. In our initial consultation, your advisor will discuss the most appropriate level of planning based on your unique situation.

Financial Planning Services Financial Consulting (12month commitment) Financial Planning *
Foundation Planning $150/month $1600+
Comprehensive Planning $250/month $3000+
Complex Planning $350/month $4200+

Hourly/Project Fee $250/Hour

*Pricing may increase due to complexity of your personal financial plan.

If you’d like to learn more about our pricing,
click the button to check out our Financial Planning Pricing PDF.